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Ethiopia is little known and yet it is an extraordinary place to visit with a unique culture, ancient history and some superb scenery - a wonderful experience for the truly adventurous traveler.  It is not a stereotypical East African country:  from the fertile highlands and lakes in the south through to the Simiens in the north, the landscape is extremely mountainous.  A secretive insular land, Ethiopia developed a culture all of its own:  its language, customs and arts are all distinctive.  The architecture is also diverse:  the castles at Gondar are remarkably well preserved and, unsurprisingly, this ancient city has been described as the 'Camelot of Africa'. Equally, the rock-hewn churches at Lalibela are the finest of their type in the world.  Carved out of solid rock in the 12th century, the churches are described by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and by many as the eighth wonder of the world.  The first European ever to see them, a Portuguese priest in the 16th century, was so aware of their 'splendor' that he wrote: "it wearied me to write more of these works, because it seems to be they will not believe me if I write more." Following this, the Muslim city of Harar offers a vivid contrast to Lalibela in both its atmosphere and architecture.
Ethiopia has a long and turbulent history: from the beginnings of recorded history it is known that the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans had commercial and cultural contacts here.  After the enforcement of a Marxist state in 1974, it suffered greatly from war and famine.  This was famously brought to the world's attention by Michael Buerk's moving broadcast, cited by Bob Geldof as his inspiration to form Band Aid.  Since then, the country has managed to rebuild itself and has even begun to export food in the last year or so.  The recent emergence of Ethiopia's long distance runners is a fitting symbol of the nation's endurance and courageous spirit.

Ethiopia is the only country on the world with the longest archaeological records and findings. The 4.4 millions years old hominid remain bones named as Australopithecus ramidus were found in 1994 in Ethiopia’s Afar region and the 3.4 million years of LUCY (Australopithecus afarensis) or DINKNESH (where the Ethiopians have called which simply means wonderful) were found in 1974 in Ethiopia’s Afar region too. These findings made Ethiopia to be the original place of mankind. 
Ethiopia is the first country after Armenia, to adopt Christianity in the 4th century A.D. It is the only country in Africa not colonized and that retains its own language and script, calendar and clock and its own food and drink.
Ethiopia is a land of natural contrasts, from the peaks of Mount Ras Dashen (at 4543 meters the highest peak in Ethiopia, and the 4th highest from Africa) to the depths of the Danakil Depression (at 116 meters below sea level, one of the lowest dry land points on earth). The cornucopia of natural beauty that blesses Ethiopia offers an astonishing variety of landscapes. The land features fall into three main categories, the highlands, the lowlands and the rift valley. The highlands that accounts for 40% of the country are with moderate climate, the lowlands are hot and dry while the rift valley is with moderate to hot temperature.

These land features provide enormous natural beauty. The Tiss Issat Falls, situated near the beautiful town of Bahar Dar, are spectacular and no visitor should fail to view the magnificent mountain scenery of the Simien Mountains. The National Parks offer opportunities for travel adventure unparallel in Africa. The rift valley region with the associated natural hot springs and Lakes are the nation's various attractions for tours, safaris, water sport and birding.

Adding further variety to the landscapes are the Ethiopian major rivers, including the Blue Nile, Tekeze, Awash, Omo, Angereb, Baro and Lakes. Hence people name Ethiopia the “water tower” of eastern Africa.
Ethiopia is with wide range of ecosystem. Providing different habitat for a variety of plant and animal species and helped to be a place of endemism. About 28 are endemic form 242 mammal species in the country. Form 850 bird species 16 are endemic.
The people of Ethiopia are a unique blend of Arab and African; they are very friendly and possess enormous dignity.  Spending time with them is one of the great delights of traveling in Ethiopia.  Their dress and jewelry is colorful and sophisticated. Ethiopia, like many other African countries is a multi ethnic state. The people have many diverse and colorful ethnic backgrounds but are united in their friend ness and pride. It is a country where recently many changes have taken place, but were many ancient customs and tradition remaining intact. The differences may be observed in the number of languages spoken. An astonishing 83, different ethnic groups and languages   (falling in to four main language groups: Semitic, Cushitic, Omotic and Nilo Saharan) are encountered. The official language is Amharic but English, French and Arabic are spoken by a variety of people.

Ethiopia has a population of about 70 million; some 35 percent of the population is Muslim. Nearly half of the population is Christian, belonging to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, whose 4th Century beginnings came long before Europe accepted Christianity. A further small percentage of the population adheres to traditional and other beliefs, including Judaism.
Religion is a constant and central feature of Ethiopians society. The traditions and festivals that take place thought out the country are deeply rooted and all are the more poignant.
Ethiopia also has rich tradition of secular and religions music, singing and dancing, and these together constitute an important part of Ethiopian natural life.
Ethiopia is the continents best kept secret. The diverse and fascinating attractions make Ethiopia a truly land of discovery brilliant, mysterious and extraordinary. Above all things it is a country of great antiquity, with colorful culture and unique traditions.

Ethiopia is a country of numerous interesting & wonderful tourist attractions. The uncommon combinations of historical, cultural and natural attractions mark Ethiopia as a unique tourist destination in Africa, which is an exciting and unexpected surprise for many travelers.

Ethiopia welcomes you to her:
-Old ancient history
-Glories 13 months of sunshine and climate of perpetual spring.
-Amazing wealth of foliage and flower.
-Magnificent landscape.
-Variety of wildlife’s, animals and birds of every sort.
-Eight places recorded as world heritage by UNISCO, and above all
-Hospitable and genuinely friendly people

The Ethiopian experience through African Adventure Tours is thus one that offers something for everyone; truly, there is no other place on earth quite like it.

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