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Adey Abeba


African Adventure Tours has professional experience in arranging Botanical tours to the timeless attractions of Ethiopia. Please contact us for further information for this package.

This is a mixture of Afro-Alpine woods, heath forest, high montane vegetation, montane savanna and montane moorland with tree heath Erica arborea, giant lobelia Lobelia rhynchopetalum, Solanum sp., Rosa abyssinica, yellow primrose Primula verticillata, everlastings Helichrysum spp., lady's mantle Alchemilla, Thymus, Urtica, and mosses (Grimmiaceae). Lichen Usnea spp. Drape the high altitude forest trees. The alpine moss originated in the Pleistocene epoch. Ridge tops and gorge sides support coarse grassland with herbs Thymus spp., Trifolium spp., Geranium arabicum, thickets of Rumex nervosus, scattered Otostegia minucci, and creepers Clematis simensis and Galium spurium. Forests of St. John's wort Hypericum spp. once flourished at 3,000-3,800m, but few still remain. There are high, but unquantified, levels of endemism.


The mountain forest changes its composition with increasing altitude. The different forest formations are the main attraction of the area. The world’s largest Juniper tree (Juniperus procera) and the only other African conifer (Podocarpus falcatus) dominate the lower forest edge. As you move upwards, broad-leaved species become more frequent. The red flowers of the female trees of Hagenia abyssinica provide a traditional tapeworm cure of very high importance in a country where consumption of raw meat is customary. The bright-yellow flowers of Hypericumlanceolatum provide the nectar for most of the local honey brewed into mead. Rapaniasimensis is easily mistaken as rhododendron. Schefflera species are common as pot plants in temperate zones but here grow into huge trees. Starting as parasites grafted on other trees like oversized mistletoe, they end up suppressing their host.  The torch lily (Kiphophia foliosa) covers whole hillsides with its flame-coloured flowers between June and November.  In the sub-alpine zone above 3200 meters of altitude, forests consist mainly of Hypericum (St. John’s wort) and Erica (heather). These genera are known in other parts of the world as forbs or small shrubs. The species you will encounter during your trek form proper forests. Lichens hanging from branches covered with moss puffs give a mystical, fairy-tale atmosphere to these forests. Further up, the forest changes rather abruptly into moors covered with heather. Due to the harsh climate (but also browsing and burning) tree-Erica only grows to bush height. In specific sites, the tree-like giant thistle (Echinops longisetus) with its huge ball-shaped red flower head grows up to 4 m high. The palm-like giant lobelia (Lobelia rhynchopetalum) is most spectacular and reaches up to 12 m.

Plant Species from botanical excursions of the Semien Mountains National Park

view towards Muchila village
(dry season)

view towards Muchila village
(wet season)

entrance to Dirni gorge
(dry season)

Lobelia rhynchopetalum (LOBELIACEAE)
(dry season)

Lobelia rhynchopetalum (LOBELIACEAE)
(wet season)

escarpment between Sankaber and Gich
(wet season)

Hypericum revolutum (HYPERICACEA) & Rosa abyssinica (ROSACEAE)
(dry season)

Rosa abyssinica (ROSACEAE)

Swertia fimbriata (GENTIANACEAE)

Ceropegia sobolifera (ASCLEPIADACEAE) (auf Erica arborea)

escarpment nr. Sankaber; Kniphofia foliosa (ASPHODELACEAE) (wet season)

Kniphofia foliosa (ASPHODELACEAE)

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